IMA Member Benefits
Stay informed on up-to-the-minute industry news that might otherwise pass you by. Becoming a member of the Idaho Mining Association (IMA) gives you access to news and developments in the industry along with the opportunity to hear and learn from peers in the industry.
Connect and create relationships. The IMA provides a great networking opportunity for members who want to strengthen ties with clients or colleagues in their industry, hunt for jobs, or make long-term connections.
Best Practices
Lead the way in implementing industry best practices. Members of the IMA gain resources on what is happening in the industry to keep our practices safe and efficient and have a head start on implementing new practices as they are amended or changed.
Make staying engaged easy. Companies who join IMA participate in association events like trade shows, seminars, workshops, and reception provide valuable connections and educational opportunities.
Strength and Power in Numbers
Influence how decisions are made. Working together, our collective experience on the issues and in navigating the burdensome regulatory environment are valuable benefits all IMA members enjoy.
Support the Cause and the Future
Amplify industry’s voice, support industry growth and act as a watchdog for mining as a whole. As a member, you will be supporting the mission of the IMA and the work we do. Many of our members see the value of helping promote the future of mining.
Please email allistice@mineidaho.com or bdavenport@mineidaho.com to become a member!